
Wetland Preservation

Wetlands cover about 312 acres (14 %) of the drainage area tributary to Powers Lake. These wetlands perform an important set of natural functions which make them particularly valuable resources. The wetlands serve as traps which retain sediments and nutrients, helping to maintain the good water quality of Powers Lake. These wetlands are also important in maintaining a relatively stable water budget and lake level for Powers Lake. In addition, the wetlands provide essential breeding, nesting, resting, and feeding grounds and predator escape cover for many forms of fish and wildlife. They also have the potential of providing recreational, research, and educational opportunities and add to the aesthetic of the Powers Lake area.

In order to assure the protection and preservation of the remaining wetlands in the Powers Lake drainage area, which are critical to the health of the Powers Lake ecosystem, the Powers Lake Management District has acquired surrounding wetlands. This assures that the wetland areas will be permanently preserved in a natural, open condition.

Wetland Preservations Map at Powers Lake, WI

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